Updated: Monday, 12-Jan-2004 23:14:46 EST
Trivia:¤ Can you find the picture of Amanda? Hint: If you put your cursor over the Netscape or Explorer icon and it moves, then u can find it. If you haven't yet, sign the guestbook! Web page thrown on the net: Saturday, May 4, 1996 This page will look bestest on Netscape 3.0 and higher and Internet Explorer.
Reload the page to get a different song if viewing with a browser that supports JavaScript & Midi files. |
Miscellaneous SMK fans meet at the '98 Annual Get Together! Very colorful episode titles along with the Italian translations. SMK is now being shown on PAX TV weekdays at 2 p.m. and weekends at 10 p.m. CST. Many people don't have PAX, like me. How about writing to Columbia House to release it on video?? |
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Web Page and some graphics by ©1996-2004 valisl@freenet.Fsul.edu