[The "Oh My Gosh!!!" Seasons] [The "Non-Oh My Gosh" Seasons]
Note: To those that emailed info, I'll be adding them later. Have to search through tons of email plus my notes.
New bloopers are colored in black.
Pilot episode: "The First Time"
During a car chase in the parking lot, Amanda's hair is originally worn up.
However, her hair is down almost throughout the entire scene (about 12
shots). Watch it change.
They mispelled Mel Stewart's name as "Mel Stuart" in the beginning credits. (Courtesy of Mary)
"The A.C.M. Kid"
When Amanda makes that awful drink for the kids, Phillip is holding his toy car in his arm. Couple times later we don't see the toy because his arm is down and out of view.
"If Thoughts Could Kill"
I found a couple of bloopers here. Its during the ambulance chase in the
alley and shows off Amanda's colorful driving skills. A large can
falls off a truck and there are a few boxes nicely stacked on the right. At
a different camera angle, there are more boxes than previously, but what
happened to the can that fell in Amanda's path? There was a sound fx
when she ran over it, though still no sign of it. As Amanda passes the truck,
she knocks over some of the boxes. Now we go to the shot of the bad guys,
the mess that Amanda made is no longer there. How did the alley get so clean??!!!
"Service Above and Beyond"
Lee and Amanda refer the restaurant as the "Quickie Chickie Snack Shack,"
but James Delano calls it the"Quickie Chickie Chicken Shack." (Courtesy of
"Always Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth"
Amanda is riding the horse that Bo Johnson gave to the Princess. When the horse rears up at the edge of the cliff, its not wearing a bridle like it was previously. In the next scene, the horse is wearing it.
(Courtesy of Richard & Shirley R.)
"Saved by the Bells"
Lee remarks how much he hates plaid when Amanda gives him Dean's old jacket
to wear as a disguise. But in "Affair at Bromfield Hall" why does he wear
so much plaid?! (Courtesy of LaLapine)
Dotty tells Amanda, "I swore I wouldn't tell you, but...do you know what the Weather Bureau is going to call the next major hurricane? Amanda!! At the suggestion of Dean, we are crossing our fingers that it happens on St. Valentines Day!!" Well, if Dean works at the weather station like he says he does, he would know that hurricane season falls from June to November (in the states). It's very rare for a hurricane to form out of season.
I Am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been...A Spy.
Amanda has amnesia, and Lee tells her he's a spy. Then he tells her she is too. She is "surprised' and says, "OH MY GOSH-" (Then the camera angle quickly changes while she turns around) "-GOSH!!" The very first voice blooper I found. Maybe I can put it up as a sound file. It's really funny!! I've never heard Amanda say, "OH MY GOSH GOSH!!"
Lee's robe is untied with the right lapel crossed over the left. Next, the
robe is tied with the left lapel crossed over the right. Then, its untied
again with the right lapel over the left. (Courtesy of Velera)
"Fearless Dotty"
After returning from Amanda's house, Karlo says, "I cut it (his hand) at the
King house." He should've said at the "West" house because he was really
after Dotty. After all, it was "Mother" who gave her check to Keene.
At the end when Amanda went to the door to talk to Lee, she was carrying a full pitcher of lemonade and when she opened the door, she only had a half of pitcher. I guess they did that scene more than once. (Courtesy of Kim "LuckyStaar")
"Waiting for Godorsky"
Billy had asked Amanda to go over the transcription of the tapes she did with Lee. Amanda was concerned about her meatloaf spoiling in the car. (This was about 10 minutes into the story.) She and Lee drive over to the mansion and arrived on the front doorstep carrying the poppyseed cake and meatloaf. The princess lets them in, and they all go into the living room placing the cake and meatloaf on the coffee table. The princess asks the butler, "The Slurper," for tea. They continue chatting and he (assuming it's him since his face isn't shown) comes back. Then the maid comes in and puts the tea where the meatloaf was. What ever happened to the meatloaf? And what happened to "The Slurper" after he came back into the room?
(Courtesy of Bridget)
Second Season
"The Times They Are a Changing"
When Baron Von Eiger drops Amanda off at the hotel, she says Philip and
Jaime are both 10 and 8 years old. It seems they've been 10 and 8 during
the entire 4 seasons. Don't they notice they're growing? Do they want them
"Double Agent"
Lee and Amanda go to Douglas Harriman to convince him not to release his
expose. When they get to his hotel room, they hear a scream. Lee runs to
the stairwell and chases the murderer down the stairs. The scene clearly
shows they're on the 15th floor. Cut to Amanda talking to Harriman's dead
body. Cut back to the chase, Lee and the murderer reach the bottom of the
next landing where it says they're on the 15TH FLOOR!!! How did they do
that? (Courtesy of Bridget)
Amanda says good night to the boys, and Philip replies, "Good night Kate." Yet another audio blooper. I don't find too many of those!!!
"The Three Faces of Emily"
At the party, Amanda is all dressed up in a white dress and no earrings.
When she comes home, the earrings are on. When she goes inside the house,
they're off again. (Courtesy of Becky)
During a fight in the pool hall, Amanda stays behind a pool table and watches. We can see the pool balls in the triangle. She helps Emily by throwing the orange striped one from the top of the triangle and it hits the bad guy in the back. A few clips later, it shows her still watching, but miraculously the orange stripe pool ball had returned to the top of the triangle! (Courtesy of LaLapine)
The stovetop in Amanda's kitchen is on the other side of the counter. Lee's recording equipment is where the stove should be. (Courtesy of Terri S.)
In the Limousine, Emily Farnsworth takes a picture of Amanda and Sydney Witsett. His head is against Amanda's shoulder and she smiles for the camera. Later, when Emily shows their photograph to Sydney, Amanda isn't smiling, he is sitting much further from her, and his head is resting on her arm.
Amanda enters the kitchen and her collar is up. Later, it's down. Right before she leaves the kitchen, the collar is back up.
"A Class Act"
At the very end, Amanda is typing on a computer and pushes the wrong button.
An alarm starts to sound so Lee, Billy, and Francine rush out to see what
the problem is:
Lee: Amanda, what happened?
Amanda: I don't know. I just wanted to erase my last sentence so I pushed
the ERA button...
Francine: Entering Restricted Area!
Ok, this does sound like an Amanda mistake. But how long has she been working at IFF? A year and two months? And this is the first time she's needed to erase a sentence? Hmm... (Courtesy of Tamara)
"Brunettes Are In"
When Amanda meets Gail at the fund-raising, one of the puppies gets out. Gail asks one of the volunteers, Debbie, to fetch him. Debbie looks in the direction where the pup went, but doesn't go after him! She just stands there doing her job and completely ignores Gail!! Were they using 2 different scripts?
When Amanda leaves the laundromat with the sock and gets ambushed outside, they steal her purse. She and Lee have an argument and she turns to go home. She then comes back and says to him, "They got my keys" so he obviously drove her home. In the next scene she tells Dotty that she's going back to the Center for the Blind to find out more about Gail. Now even assuming that she has a spare set of keys to the car, it's still at the laundromat. How did she get to the Center for the Blind? (Courtesy of Bridget)
"Playing Possum"
Lee, Amanda, and a Russian Agent, Yuri(sp?), are
in a small room alongside the bowling alley. Amanda gets hypnotized. After
she awakens feeling "refreshed," they all head outside. Amanda grabs her
jacket, purse, and bowling ball. Once they pass through the doorway and go
back into the bowling alley, the bowling ball disappears.
(Courtesy of Bridget)
Don't forget to check out that apple on top of the car!
"Ship of Spies"
When Lee receives the telegram on the ship, we can see a brief glimpse of
it: "Ship of Lies was wrong--Its Ship of Spies." Later when Rackam was
talking to his cohort Gretz, he said
when he steamed the telegram open, he could'nt make heads or tails on what
it said because it was in "code." (Courtesy of Joanne)
Billy's boss, Mitch, puts down his antacids to go to his door and ask his secretary, Margaret, for more. When she comes to the door, he has the bottle in his hand again. (Courtesy of Susan)
"A Little Sex, A Little Scandal"
Amanda's window is all the way open when she gets in her car. When she pulls out, the window is closed. It's open again after yelling to Lee that the accelerator is stuck.
In the same scene, you see a shot of her trying to unstick the accelerator pedal. Note that the carpet and interior shown in that scene are tan. In this season, her interior was blue! This "foot and pedal shot" was taken from a later scene when Amanda and that lady are fighting for control of a Cutlass Supreme Sedan in which Lee is riding on the hood! (Courtesy of Dave--drj)
Also, her shoes are white, but a close up of them while tapping the accelerator is black. She wore the black shoes when fighting with Rita.
When Amanda crashes her car through the flower shop, there is little visible damage to the shop. In the next scene, (a close up after the commercial break) there is debris and flower pots on the roof of her car that were not there before. Also, the store looks much messier and the wall she crashed through is completely gone. Some of it was there before the scene change! (Courtesy of Dave--drj)
During this whole ordeal, the left side window is closed. After the break, it's open.
"Odds on a Dead Pigeon"
After loading their camping gear in the car, Philip climbs over the seat and sits on the left side while Jaime goes on the right. When the car pulls out of the driveway, Philip and Jaime switch sides!!!
"You Only Die Twice"
When Sylvia Samson is looking at Amanda's file, it says that her mother's name is spelled "Dottie West." (Courtesy of Tamara) In "Always Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth," Dotty makes a point that its spelled D-o-t-t-y not "i-e." And in another episode its titled as "Fearless Dotty."
In the same scene, Phillip's and Jaime's ages are shown as ten and eight when it should be twelve and ten. They were ten and eight at the beginning of the first season.
"Burn Out"
Amanda tries to hitch a ride after Lee fakingly shots her. When the
truck driver, Travis, sees her, he brakes. A close-up shows some
previous, light marks on the road while the tires are screeching. I
guess marks to guide the driver which the audience isn't suppose to
see. Or probaby another set of tire marks that were already made.
Maybe they had do it again? Those marks weren't there when the
truck first appeared. Well, the screeching scene clearly shows that
Travis made some tire marks. After Travis and Amanda leave, the
tire marks he made are no longer there.
A camera man's (or another crew member's) top of a head just passes behind the truck driver's head while he's talking to Amanda, just before she gets in. (Courtesy of Val "langone99") Note: Some stations might have edited this one out because I couldn't find it on my FAM tape.
"Over the Limit"
Mrs. West receives a package from Rebecca's Fantasies. In the full body shots, the bottom of the box is plain. In the close-up shots, the top of the box has the logo of Rebecca's Fantasies on it. (Courtesy of DebHeimann) This scene was cut off when it ran on the Family Channel.
"We're Off to See the Wizard"
Amanda says they've known each other for 25 months, 2 weeks. Assuming they
met on Oct. 3, 1983, that would place this episode on Nov. 18, 1985. But it
was shown Sept. 30, 1985, after only 23 months, 3 weeks. (Courtesy of
"Sour Grapes"
When Jean-Pierre follows Amanda, he passes the place where she is hiding
out. Notice the breeze that runs through the left tree. Few frames later,
the tree branches magically appear to one side and a leaf on the ground
disappears! Then we see Amanda pulling out of the driveway. All this is
shown as one entire shot!
There is a shot of one of the guys, Congressman James McNeal, who drank the tainted wine. In the first few shots his window is down, but in the last shot where he is choking, the window is up. (Courtesy of Susan #2)
"Utopia Now"
When Lee and Amanda are trying to break out by using her boot tied to the
end of a shoelace, you can see the lace is tied in one place. When the boot
lands on the table, its tied in another place, and then back to where it was
when it lands on the floor. (Courtesy of Heather)
"Flight to Freedom"
Lee is wearing a gray striped shirt, pants and jacket while Amanda is
wearing a brown and white sweater with brown pants. In another scene, Lee
is wearing a dark pants, white shirt, and light colored jacket and Amanda is
wearing a gray outfit. Afterwards, their clothes change back to the first
"Playing for Keeps"
In a shooting scene, Lee is wearing a gray jacket, white shoes, and blue
pants that change to brown pants after rolling on the ground under a truck.
(Courtesy of Tamara)
"The Eyes Have It"
As they are driving away from the airport, you can see
the LMU mountain (which where Loyola Marymount is) clear as day.
Loyola is just North of the airport here in LA. Now it's no secret that
SAMK filmed here and not in D.C., but it always strikes as funny that you
can see a mountain that is so clearly in LA in that shot.
(Courtesy of M.)
After Amanda rescues Lee from Neuman, the German, at Dulles Airport, they show her being chased through by Neuman, and passing a DC police car with two officers apparently at a fast food stand. Unfortunately, Dulles Airport is in the Virginia countryside, about 30 minutes from downtown DC. It would be unlikely that two DC officers would just be sitting by the road in suburban Virginia. Again, the writers had no real idea of the geography of this area! (Courtesy of Joanne)
"All the World's a Stage"
Lee and Amanda are kidnapped by Krutiov's chauffeur, Mischa, in front of
Amanda's house. When they wake up in the back of the limo, Lee asks Amanda
where they are, and she replies "I don't know, I think we're heading towards
the Blue Ridge" (mountains west of Washington, DC). Lee's response, which
shows that the writers had no concept of the geography of the Washington
area, is "we'd better get out of here before we reach the Atlantic." The
Atlantic Ocean is due east of D.C.!!! (Courtesy of Joanne)
Fourth Season
No Thanks for the Memory
When Amanda shows her kids' picture to What'sHisFace, the Russian who wants to defect, she says, "The little one on the left with the Hollywood shirt is Jaime, and the one on the right with the big glasses is Philip." Ok since when has Phillip worn glasses? Does that mean she thinks they're still 10 and 8 years old? Hence the episode title. :) Maybe this was a inside joke. They happen a lot!
"Photo Finish"
Geography blooper! Lee and Amanda supposedly go to the University of Virginia to check out the underground student newspaper in which her picture appeared at a protest rally in 1972. They show a street scene which is supposed to be in Charlottesville, Va. where the University is located, and which is a small college town about a two hour drive from DC. To establish the next shot, which is the scene where they go in to the movie theater to meet the former student radical, they show an "establishing shot" which is clearly a stock DC shot, and looks nothing like Charlottesville. The continuity people blew it again! (Courtesy of Joanne)
When Lee goes to the house, he looks in the kitchen and
sees images of Amanda: One image is actually from the house they
shared in "There Goes the Neighborhood" and I'm willing to accept that
one - but then
another image is her hustling the boys off. Lee wasn't
there when that happened - 3 1/2 years of kitchen scenes and they
couldn't even pick two that actually happened!!! (Courtesy of M.)
"The Man Who Died Twice"
Amanda's necklace keeps changing from a heart to a cross and back again,
and again...(Courtesy of Kay)
"Bad Timing"
Where they have the office stuff during the day and they are both wearing "office clothes." They go to her house for dinner wearing "sweater/jeans."
Then we discover he is infected with the virus. They go back to the office and apparently
felt the need to put their work clothes back on...a complete error in continuity. (Courtesy of M.)
Rumors of My Death
Lee drives to Amanda's house to pick her up. First, Jaime and Philip come out the front door. The only thing we see on the steps are plants. When Mother comes out, her body is slighty turned to her left and the door half open. Then we get a closer shot of her, but her body is now turned the opposite way with her right hand on the doorknob, and the door is almost completely closed. Not a smooth transition. Anyways, at that point a couple of bags are sitting at the front of the door!! How'd they get there??!!
"Mission of Gold" (The Honeymoon Episode)
When the camera gets a close-up on the fax, Lee reads the first part of it
. But the last part of the fax contains his next lines!
(Courtesy of Janice)
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