by Here is some information about you
Where you are from: $host
All information logged and forwarded to the WebMaster and Web Administrator.
elsif ($error eq 'count_not_created') {
print "[TextCounter Fatal Error: Could Not Write to File $datadir$count_page]";
elsif ($error eq 'could_not_increment') {
print "[TextCounter Fatal Error: Could Not Increment Counter]";
sub log {
$log_type = $_[0];
# Begin the Editing of the LOG File
open (FILE,"$log_dir$count_page") || die "Couldt Open\n";
@LINES= \n\n";
else {
print LOG $_;
close (LOG);
sub check_lock {
$time = $_[0];
for ($i = 1;$i <= $time; $i++) {
if (-e "$data_dir$lock_file") {
sleep 1;
else {
print LOCK "0";
sub clean_up {
American Titles:
Scarecrow and Mrs. KingItalian Titles:
Top Secret (not translated)Season 1 prima stagione The First Time La prima missione There Goes the Neighborhood Asciugacapelli pericolosi The ACM Kid Il bambino dell'A.C.M. If Thoughts Could Kill Cervelli programmati Magic Bus Il ricatto dei "superstiti" Service Above and Beyond La trappola mortale Always Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth A caval donato... Saved by the Bells L'ostaggio sbagliato Sudden Death Morte improvvisa The Long Christmas Eve La lunga vigilia di Natale Remembrance of Things Past Ricordo del passato Lost and Found Perduta e ritrovata I Am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been...a Spy (don't know) Dead Ringer Somiglianza pericolosa The Mole La talpa Savior Operazione Savior The Artful Dodger Un regalo sospetto Filming Raul Il cineamatore Fearless Dotty Un uomo nell'armadio Weekend Weekend Waiting for Godorsky Aspettando Godorsky Charity Begins at Home Sbornie e beneficenza Season 2 seconda stagione The Times They Are a Changin' Il misterioso attentato The Legend of das Geisterschloss La leggenda Our Man in Tegernsee Il nostro uomo a Tegernsee To Catch a Mongoose La mangusta The Affair at Bromfield Hall Scandalo a Bromfield Hall Double Agent Il manoscritto compromettente The Three Faces of Emily Le tre facce di Emily A Class Act Stazione uno Brunettes Are In Le brune sono di moda Car Wars Attenti a quell'auto Playing Possum Operazione Possum Ship of Spies Nave di spie Spiderweb Operazione Spider A Relative Situation Una situazione precaria A Little Sex, a Little Scandal Un po' di sesso, un po' di scandalo Life of the Party Cameriere un po' speciali Odds on a Dead Pigeon Il sosia D.O.A.: Delirious on Arrival L'antidoto You Only Die Twice (don't know) Burn Out Finito! Murder Between Friends L'assassinio di un amico Vigilante Mothers La spia della porta accanto Season 3 terza stagione Welcome to America, Mr. Brand Benvenuto in America, Signor Brand Over the Limit Il pescecane We're Off to See the Wizard L'affare Oz A Lovely Little Affair Un affaruccio delizioso Tail of the Dancing Weasel Kolinsky, la donnola danzatrice Sour Grapes L'uva acerba Utopia Now Nuova utopia Reach for the Sky Mani in alto J. Edgar's Ghost Il fantasma di J. Edgar Flight to Freedom Fuga per la libertà The Wrong Way Home Il capro espiatorio Fast Food for Thought Doppia salsa mortale One Bear Dances, One Bear Doesn't Un orso balla, l'altra no Playing for Keeps Una partita pericolosa The Pharaoh's Engineers Codice: piramide The Triumvirate Il triumvirato The Eyes Have it A me gli occhi Wrong Numbers Spia contro spia The Boy Who Could Be King Il principe ereditario Dead Men Leave No Trails I morti non lasciano tracce Three Little Spies Tre piccole spie All the World's a Stage Intrigo in palcoscenico Unfinished Business Un conto in sospeso Season 4 quarta stagione Stemwinder - Part 1 Operazione Stemwinder, 1 parte Stemwinder - Part 2 Operazione Stemwinder, 2 parte It's in the Water Pericolo nell'acqua No Thanks for the Memory No, grazie Photo Finish Sotto inchiesta Night Crawler L'informatore Billy's Lost Weekend Il weekend dimenticato The Man Who Died Twice L'uomo che morì due volte Need to Know Il tri-tanio Any Number Can Play Il fidanzato spia Santa's Got a Brand New Bag Un Natale molto speciale Bad Timing Questione di secondi Promises to Keep Una promessa mantenuta Rumors of my Death Le voci sulla mia morte... Do You Take This Spy? Vuoi prendere questa spia ? Mission of Gold Missione oro One Flew East Un poeta antinuclearista The Khrushchev List La lista Krusciov Suitable for Framing Il cavallo di Troia All That Glitters Non è tutt'oro quello che riluce A Matter of Choice Questione di scelta
# TextCounter Version 1.2.1 #
# Copyright 1996 Matt Wright #
# Created 3/14/96 Last Modified 6/24/98 #
# Scripts Archive at: #
# Copyright 1996 Matthew M. Wright All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# TextCounter may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as #
# this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this #
# code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any liability that #
# might arise from it's use. #
# #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is #
# expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and #
# make money off of my program. #
# #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or #
# in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.#
# $n = `nslookup $ip | grep Name`; chop($n);
# $host=substr($n, rindex($n, " ")+1);
# if ($host eq "") { $host=$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}; }
# Define Variables
# Data Dir is the directory on your server that you wish to store the
# count files in. Each page that has the counter on it will have it's own
# file. Log Dir is the directory that keeps visitor logs.
$data_dir = "/count/number";
$log_dir = "/count";
# Get host address and log visitor information
$ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'};
# Assign Environment Var
$local_date = $ENV{'DATE_LOCAL'};
$ip_addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
$refer = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
$page = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'};
$page_name = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_NAME'};
# Valid-URI allows you to set up the counter to only work under specific
# directories on your server. Include any of these directories as they
# appear in a URI, into this array. More information on URI's available in
@valid_uri = ('/');
# Invalid-URI allows the owner of this script to set up the counter so
# that certain portions of the web server that may be included in Valid-URI
# cannot use the program. Leave this commented out if you wish not to
# block out certain parts.
#@invalid_uri = ('/');
# Set Options
# Show Link allows you to add a link around the counter to point to
# either instructions explaining to users how to set this up on the system
# (useful if a system administrator wants to allow anyone to set things up
# themselves). Setting it to 0 will make no link, otherwise put the URL
# you want linked to the count here.
$show_link = "0";
# When Auto-Create is enabled, users will be able to auto-create the
# count on their home pages by simply imbedding the Server Side Includes
# call. Setting auto_create to 1 enables it, 0 will disable it. Only
# users in @valid_uri will be allowed to auto create.
$auto_create = "1";
# Show Date will show the date of when the count began if you set this
# option to 1. It will appear in yor document as [Count] hits since [Date].
# Set this to 0 and it will simply return the [Count].
$show_date = "0";
# Lock Seconds will define the number of seconds the script should sit
# and wait for the lock file to be gone before it will overwrite it if it
# is still there. Every now and then a user will interrupt a page, causing
# the script to halt and leave a lock file in place before the lock file
# could be removed. This defines how long it waits.
$lock_sec = "5";
# Padding Size define how many numbers will be shown as your count. For
# instance, if you want your count to say 00065 and have the zeros padded
# up to five digits, then set $pad_size = "5"; If the number goes higher
# than the pad_size, don't worry, there just won't be any zero's tacked
# onto the front.
$pad_size = "1";
# Print Content Type Header For Browser
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Get the page location from the DOCUMENT_URI environment variable.
$count_page = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'};
#$count_page = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_NAME'};
# Check Valid-URI to make sure user can use this program.
# Chop off any trailing /'s
if ($count_page =~ /\/$/) {
#$count_page =~ s/\//_/g; # replace '/' by '_'
#$count_page =~ s/./_/g; # replace '/' by '_'
# Any characters that are not letters or numbers are turned into an underscore
$count_page =~ s/[^\w]/_/g;
$lock_file = "$count_page\.lock";
# Check to see if file is locked by program already in use.
# If the file exists, get the date and count out of it. Otherwise, if
# auto_create is allowed, create a new account. If neither of these are
# true, return an error.
if (-e "$data_dir$count_page") {
$line = Access Denied
You are not allowed to execute this cgi-script.
An attempt of hacking is detected on the time of $local_date.
Please inform this to the owner of the referring url.
Address: $ip_addr
Browser you are using: $browser
print LOG "Who: $host - $ip_addr
print LOG "Browser: $browser
print LOG "From: $refer
if ($log_type eq 'hack') {
print LOG "- hack!\n";
# Add envirnoment variables
if ($ENV{'HTTP_PRAGMA'}) {
print LOG "Doc: $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'}
if ($ENV{'HTTP_UA_COLOR'}) {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_UA_CPU'}) {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_UA_DISP'}) {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_UA_OS'}) {
print LOG "OS: $ENV{'HTTP_UA_OS'}
# End environment variables
print LOG "