SMK Trivia...Whenever I Get Back 2 It
Updated: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2004 18:13:48 EST -
Found the trivia page on my hard drive, however, they differ from the copy at my old site-- seems like it had 2 questions more. Thought I had saved it before the isp deleted my account. If anyone has a list of them or even the page, can you please email them? I'm just really curious what else was missing.
Originally, I had people emailing me the answers and would place the winners on this page, though nobody had correctly answered all of them. Unfortunately, I don't think I can keep up with that. So in the meantime, I'll leave out the answers for awhile as I'm not quite sure yet on how I'll handle them. Maybe writing a cgi-script that will check your answers and placing the winners automatically. We'll see...
Want to help Lee and Amanda solve some questions? So how well do you know
Scarecrow and Mrs. King? See if you can answer any of these.
- What is the name of Amanda's dog when she was a kiddo?
- What musical instrument does Billy play?
- Why or how did Francine become an agent?
- What did Philip really want for his birthday? Be specific. For
example, if Amanda gave Philip Finesse hairspray, then say "Finesse
hairspray." Answering with only the word "hairspray" isn't enough. :)
- What does Amanda call her father:
(a) Pop
(b) Dad
(c) Daddy
(d) "Father"
(e) Pa
(f) Papa
(g) Orville Redenbacher
(h) all of the above
- What was the original name to International Federal Film?
- What was in the package that Lee handed Amanda? (2 answers)
- Did it say anything? If so, what?
- In "Odds of a Dead Pigeon," what 3 certain characteristics of Amanda's
evil twin made Lee suspicious? At the end, how did Lee know who was the
real Amanda?
- What other language(s) was Amanda trying to learn?
- Why does Lee dislike roses?
- Why was Jaime's birthday party canceled?
- Why did Amanda and Joe get a divorce?
- What's Joe King's occupation?
- True or False. "Mother" dated a guy named "Captain Kirk."
- What Christmas present did Jaime give to Lee?
- Fill in the blank: Just a bit ________. "Mother" wore a sweater that
said this.