Excerpts from B5 Interviews with Bruce in England

June 8, 1996 Norbrec Castle Hotel

QUESTION: What do you want to talk about?

AUDIENCE: Scarecrow and Mrs. King

BRUCE: That was another life time ago believe me. It was a wonderful show. A piece of cotton candy fluff that was an hour of mindless entertainment, and that’s what it was meant to be. Not preaching any messages just taking your mind off your stress filled day and enjoy two loony tunes running around Washington, DC. I miss Kate Jackson a great deal. I haven’t talked to her since the series went off the air in ‘87 and that often happens. You spend four years of your life together... rather intense years... and then suddenly "adios" and "have a good life". I send her flowers every year. I do get a card occasionally. She calls me "Big Fellow". Good show on television and then boom we’re off the air.

On Scarecrow and Mrs. King it use to be the hours on that show were so long that we would go very late and we’d flop right over to the next day and literally end one episode in the morning and start a new one after lunch. We’d do 22 episodes per season and on episode 19 they had to kinda prop me up... stand me on my marks and I would talk. I’d ask out of the corner of my mouth "are these the good guys or the bad guys". They’d all start to lump together.

September 6, 1996 - Blackpool

QUESTION: Other than B5, do you have a favorite role you played?

BRUCE: Well, I enjoyed Scarecrow and Mrs. King very much. I had a wonderful co-star in that Kate Jackson. We’d probably still be doing that show. It was doing very well in the ratings but Kate became ill and we stopped and it was very unfortunate. I liked that show particularly because it really relied on not the writing... it relied on us... Kate and I and we made up many of the things that were in the repartee. Talking at the same time. She was always yammering and yammering and I was always saying "I yi yi" so that was very satisfying acting wise.

Thanks to Becky for transcribing and providing these interviews!

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